Saturday, 26. 10. 2024
Lash Lifting, Brow Lifting & more»Lash Lifting»Tips for Lash Lifting with rolls

Tips for Lash Lifting with rolls

Tips Video (DK)


HERE in this video you will learn how to place the rolls correctly for a pronounced lifting effect. Avoid the treatment errors that cause lashes to crimp, swirl or curl-in.

You will find our detailed online training videos for the Lash Lifting treatments on VIDEOS. These, you can watch for free after your successful registration.

Correct application of gel (Picture)


In case of longer lashes, gels was also applied to the tips? This is wrong: wherever gel is applied, it will take effect and re-shape the lashes. So if lashes reach over the middle of the roll because of their length, gel should never be applied there. Otherwise curls will appear!

Correct gel application of very large eyelash rolls (Picture)


If you used very large rolls (no. 5 or no. 6) for your treatment, it may happen that the gel is applied too far from the lash line. This will cause the lifting effect to start far too late (only close to the tips).

Correct: Especially when using very large rolls, the gel must be applied very close to the lash line so the lashes will be lifted right away.

Please write us an E-Mail to learn how to undo swirly eyelashes!


Eyelashes are crossed after treatment or become crooked?

Cause: The lashes were not combed before the treatment (Lash Brush!) and/or not pressed onto the Lifting roll (Eyelash roll) in a straight and even manner.

What can I do? The Lash Lifting can be repeated immediately. However, first of all, you must carefully re-align all eyelashes in a straight and even manner on the roll.

The lash lifting turned out beautifully, but only lasts 1 to 2 weeks?

Cause: The gels only have a limited shelf life (see sandglass on packaging) and will then gradually lose their effect - the lifting will become unstable.

What can I do? Repeat the Wimpernwelle lifting treatment immediately with gel of the newest production batch. There is no need to wait.

The eyelashes did not get the desired nice curve?

Cause 1: The chosen Lifting roll (Eyelash roll) size was too large.
What now? The lifting treatment can be repeated immediately with rolls of a smaller size.

Cause 2: The applied amount of gel was too small.
What now? The lifting can be repeated immediately, but gel must be applied generously.

You do not notice any effect at all?

Cause 1: The eyelash structure is very firm.
What now? Repeat the lifting treatment with increased application time of Gel 1.

Cause 2: The gel is too old and has now completely lost its effect.
What now? Repeat the lifting with fresh gel.


We were often asked whether and how cosmetic studios can protect themselves against possible allergies during cosmetic treatments, especially when tinting eyelashes or during a Wimpernwelle Lash Lifting treatment.

The question of allergies in cosmetic treatments is generally a very important aspect, as more and more persons show allergic reactions to a wide variety of substances.

We recommend that before every cosmetic treatment - regardless of the product used - customers be asked about possible allergies to ingredients of the products used and that this questioning be documented. One example for a possible allergic reaction is the Special Glue, which contains latex. However, latex is also contained in protective gloves which are used a lot in the medical sector and where allergies have frequently arisen as a result, which can now have an effect on the course of a cosmetic treatment for the affected group of persons.

In the past, so-called patch tests were carried out where the cosmetic product was applied one day before the treatment to the skin and then the next day to see whether an allergic reaction had occurred.

ATTENTION: According to the latest expert opinion, for the Central European region these tests are not recommended, as such tests are more likely to provoke an allergy!

Allergies occur unexpectedly in the middle of life as well, not everyone was allergic to the substances in question from birth. Those who already have an allergy also know it and ideally possess an allergy pass.

If no allergy is known, the cosmetic treatment can be carried out. However, if an allergic reaction still occurs, this is a new condition. The customer will have to follow up on it and further treatment with the product in question would then no longer be possible before a medical clarification. Nobody will, however, do without e.g. strawberries, just because they could possibly trigger an allergy in the future which is not yet known!

In order to help our customers, we have prepared questionnaires for our products "Wimpernwelle Lash Lifting" and "BINACIL Eyelash and Eyebrow Tint" regarding possible allergies to the ingredients, which we can provide on request. In this way, studios can protect themselves, also document the question of allergies and create treatment safety for their customers.

If you are interested in these questionnaires, please send an E-Mail with the keyword "Allergy Questionnaires" and your studio data to: info[at]